Composer(s) / Arranger(s):
John Meehan
Performance Time: 3:10 | Grade: 3 | Style: Contemporary
In 2012, my daughter Katelyn was entering the 7th grade at Valley View Middle School in Pleasant Hill, California. This was going to be her 4th year playing Trumpet, and I asked her if she'd like me to ask her band director if he'd allow me to write a piece for their band. After a few discussions, we agreed on a commission, and Fantastical Journey was born. Being the awesome father I am, I of course wrote a Trumpet solo in the piece, and "encouraged" Mr. Cooper that Katelyn play the solo.
Fast forward to May 2013, and the band premiered Fantastical Journey in the Performing Arts Center at Diablo Valley College. The audience was jam packed, the excitement level high, and the students absolutely rocked the performance! Especially Katelyn on her solo.
I have always been fascinated with traveling to new lands, and wondering what it would be like to experience some of Earth's most treasured places. As I was composing Fantastical Journey, I had pictures and research of Stonehenge, the Pyramids of Giza, the Grand Canyon, and Yosemite, scattered around my office. Fantastical Journey is a piece I hope you can enjoy, while conjuring up a trip in your mind's eye that is holding a place on your bucket list.
*Please make a selection.