Frequently Asked Questions

Shopping & Browsing

Q: What is included with my purchase?

A: Every product page has a "Standard Features" section where you can see what is specifically included.

Q: Can I call and discuss my options with a live person?

A: Yes. We are happy to assist you during normal business hours. If you are unable to reach a live person on the phone, we may be experiencing unusually high call volume. Please leave us a voicemail and we will return your call as soon as a representative is available to speak with you. You may also email us at

Q: How is everything delivered?

A: The default is electronic delivery for all items that do not require shipping. If you would like music printed and shipped to you, please add those options to your reservation.

Q: Are your Custom Services available for non-GPG Music shows?

A: Yes. We work on many projects every year that are not GPG Music. Contact us to discuss options.

Q: Are the shows able to be modified?

A: Yes. You may change the theme, adjust parts, add/remove music or anything else that will make your team sucessful. Notation files are available for you to purchase/use to make any changes needed. We can also provide a lot of modifications at no additional cost. Contact us to discuss your specific needs and to make sure it is included in your purchase.

Q: Can I download scores or audio so I can review them offline?

A: Yes. Different browsers and configurations handle links differently. Start by clicking on the links labeled "Download Audio Sample" or "Sample Wind (or Percussion) Score." If your download does not start immediately, try right-clicking on the link and choosing "Save link as..." or similar options in your specific browser.

Q: Do I need to create an account to listen and browse samples?

A: No. You may listen to sample audio and view sample scores without creating an account.

Q: Can I save my favorite shows/titles for browsing at a later time?

A: Yes. To save your favorites, please create an account on our website.

Q: Are show logos available for use with t-shirts and props?

A: Yes. Contact us and we will get you a download link to the artwork.


Availability & Exclusivity Information

Q: What are the different levels of exclusivity you provide with your marching band and indoor percussion music?

A: All Indoor Percussion and Championship Series Marching Band music are protected by contest based exclusivity. Each purchase is licensed for your provided contest schedule. No two ensembles will be licensed to perform the same music at the same contest. You must ensure you provide accurate information for ALL CONTEST DATA in order to guarantee exclusive use. Sound Value Series Marching Band music is protected by a 100-mile radius from the purchasing school's zip code. No two ensembles will be allowed to license the same music with schools zip codes within 100 miles of each other.


Q: What does it mean when the website indicates music is unavailable?

A: Our site determines the availability of music based on your contest schedule or school zip code, depending on which series your music is part of. If you have recorded your contest schedule in our system, the site will automatically provide availability information.


Q: What do I do if my selected music is not available for my contest schedule or zip code radius?

A: In the interest of fairness to all customers, there are no exceptions to the exclusivity policy. If your desired music is unavailable, you must select different music for the upcoming season. We suggest that you favorite the music you wish to play and return to our website to purchase this music next year at an earlier date.



Q: I know which music I'd like to purchase. What is the fastest way to get my music reserve/ordered?

A: Complete your reservation online to get a quote generated and emailed to you. You may also pay immediately with a Credit Card.


Q: Will you accept a purchase order or check as payment?

A: Yes. Complete your reservation online and choose the Check or PO option at checkout to have a quote automatically generated and emailed to you.


Q: Can I reserve music while I process a PO or check for payment?

A: Yes. Complete your reservation online and choose the Check or PO option at checkout to have a quote automatically generated and emailed to you. This will reserve your music now while you process a PO or send in a check.


Q: Can you provide a W-9 for my school or district to add you as a vendor?

A: Yes. You may download our current W-9 by clicking here.


Q: Do you offer any financing or delayed payment options?

A: Yes. We are usually able to help delay payment to align with budget and fundraising cycles. Complete your reservation online and choose the Check or PO option at checkout. This will reserve your music now and you may send us an email at to arrange for delayed payment.


Q: Is there a finance charge for delayed payment arrangements?

A: No. There is no additional charge for delayed payment. Late fees may apply if payment is not received on the date payment was promised.