
The Riddle Of The Sphinx



Composer(s) / Arranger(s): Gary P. Gilroy

Performance Time: 5:08  |  Grade: Regional A Class  |  Style: Contemporary

"Which creature in the morning goes on four feet, at noon on two, and in the evening upon three?" This show tells the story of one of the oldest riddle's of our civilization. Your developing ensemble will enjoy Gary P. Gilroy's accessible battery parts and tasty auxiliary percussion writing.


  1. Birth of a Monster
  2. Murder of King Laius
  3. The Muses and the Sphinx
  4. The Riddle
  5. The King's Proclamation
  6. Final Battle with Oedipus
  7. The Victory
*Please make a selection.


*Please make a selection.

Bass Drum Parts

Bass Drum Parts:
*Please make a selection.

Optional Visual Products

*Please make a selection.

Tools for Success

*Please make a selection.

Standard Features

  • MainStage file with Synth Patches and all intended Sound FX used with the show.
  • XML files for importing into your own notation app for editing. Source notation files available upon request.
  • 8 1/2 x 11 Scores and parts delivered electronically. Separate Front Ensemble and Battery scores available upon request.
  • Site-Based Exclusivity to ensure that you're the only ensemble playing your show at your contests.
  • 3, 4, and 5 bass drum parts.
  • Downloadable Student Practice Files with a recording of Full Percussion, Front Ensemble Only, Battery Only, Snares Only, Tenors Only, Basses Only, and Cymbals Only.
*Please make a selection.