
Chess - The Art of Strategy



Composer(s) / Arranger(s): Gary P. Gilroy, Kohei Mizushima, Nate Bourg

Performance Time: 7:55  |  Grade: Medium  |  Style: Contemporary

One of the world’s most universal and sensational battles of the mind, the game of chess carries great emotion and drama. This production embodies the attack, the preparation, and the final sequence of moves to gain victory. Checkmate!


  1. Opening
  2. Middlegame
  3. Endgame/Checkmate
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Music Options

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Optional Visual Products

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Tools for Success

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Standard Features

  • MainStage file with Synth Patches and all intended Sound FX used with the show.
  • Regional Exclusivity: Music and/or Drill (depending on show) is protected on a first come-first serve basis. Exclusivity is available in your surrounding area; in an approximately 100 mile radius, regardless of state lines.
  • 8 1/2 x 11 Scores and parts delivered electronically (Landscape and Flip Folder size).
  • Wind and Percussion Scores that are lined up with the same amount of measures on each page so that print scores can give a full score look. Full Scores for digital use are available upon request.
  • 3, 4 and 5 bass drum parts.
  • Bass Clarinet part, Bari Sax part, Horn in Bb part, and Low Brass parts in Treble Clef.
*Please make a selection.