$500.00 $350.00




Composer(s) / Arranger(s): Nick Chitwood, Steve A Martinez, Stan Muncy

Performance Time: 6:15  |  Grade: Easy-Medium  |  Style: Contemporary

The number 4 if far-reaching throughout our history and culture. Four corners of the world, four elements, four wisdom teeth. This show explores the basic ideas of the smallest composite number and is written entirely in 4. Your thematic and visual designs could go in any creative direction you choose.


  1. 2 + 2
  2. 2 x 2
  3. 22
*Please make a selection.

Music Options

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Optional Visual Products

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Tools for Success

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Standard Features

  • 8 1/2 x 11 Scores and parts delivered electronically (Landscape and Flip Folder size).
  • Wind and Percussion Scores that are lined up with the same amount of measures on each page.
  • 3, 4 and 5 bass drum parts.
  • Bass Clarinet part, Bari Sax part, Horn in Bb part, and Low Brass parts in Treble Clef.
  • School/band program is granted unlimited performance license in perpetuity. This show does not include any type of regional or site-based exclusivity.
*Please make a selection.