$500.00 $350.00

Images of War



Composer(s) / Arranger(s): Nate Bourg, Shekhar Khedekar, Blair Williams

Performance Time: 7:14  |  Grade: Easy-Medium  |  Style: Contemporary

The result of battle is dependent on several key factors: preparation, focus, and determination. Each movement in this show depicts the mental struggle of the warrior as he summons the power to emerge victorious.


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Music Options

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Optional Visual Products

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Tools for Success

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Standard Features

  • 8 1/2 x 11 Scores and parts delivered electronically (Landscape and Flip Folder size).
  • Wind and Percussion Scores that are lined up with the same amount of measures on each page.
  • 3, 4 and 5 bass drum parts.
  • Bass Clarinet part, Bari Sax part, Horn in Bb part, and Low Brass parts in Treble Clef.
  • School/band program is granted unlimited performance license in perpetuity. This show does not include any type of regional or site-based exclusivity.
*Please make a selection.